The Brand Called You Podcast and Vodcast: Listen at
Let's Talk About Being Fearless: The Trauma Therapist Project Podcast with Guy MacPherson
To listen to the full episode of Better Call Daddy go to
The Trauma Therapist Project Podcast with Guy Macpherson: To listen to the full episode go to
63: Thriving After Trauma with Shari Botwin Unbroken: Healing Through Storytelling Madeleine Black Unbroken – The Podcast with Madeleine Black, features amazing individuals who have all triumphed after adversity and have not just bounced back in life, but forward and are now making a difference for others. To listen go to:
IG Live with NBC Anchor Kate Snow

Facebook Live with Judge Rosemarie Aquilina: To listen go to
Get to Know Me Podcast with Deezy: To listen go to
Shari Botwin joins us on this episode to discuss how to thrive after trauma. If you or someone you know needs help, contact the National Domestic Violence hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or visit You'll also find great resources at And you can find out more about our guest Shari Botwin at
For more info on Kim and ADR visit or call 516-308-2922.
For more info on Kim and ADR visit or call 516-308-2922.

Ep. 37 - Healing from trauma even if you don't remember them | Interview Shari Botwin listen here:
For many years of her life, Shari felt like a misfit, which was quite confusing and hurtful for her because she could not understand where all that pain came from. In this interview, she enlightens us about the ways in which we can heal from trauma. She addresses many themes from the perspective of an individual who contemplates suicide and those who have lost loved ones in this manner.
For many years of her life, Shari felt like a misfit, which was quite confusing and hurtful for her because she could not understand where all that pain came from. In this interview, she enlightens us about the ways in which we can heal from trauma. She addresses many themes from the perspective of an individual who contemplates suicide and those who have lost loved ones in this manner.
The Trauma Therapist Project Podcast: Breaking the Silence
To listen go to:
Let's Keep It Real Episode 97-Sandy Joy Weston M.Ed. To listen to the podcast go to

SOME OF THE TOPICS DISCUSSED:• As a trauma survivor, you are not alone.
• Messages of hope.
• Reclaiming parts of yourself and your life.
• Exploring the eating disorder voice as information.
• Living in your values as opposed to living in your eating disorder.
• In order to say goodbye to your eating disorder you need to except you have one.
To listen go to:
• Messages of hope.
• Reclaiming parts of yourself and your life.
• Exploring the eating disorder voice as information.
• Living in your values as opposed to living in your eating disorder.
• In order to say goodbye to your eating disorder you need to except you have one.
To listen go to:
A Sudden Change In All Our Lives Since Covid Outbreak: To listen go to